Sunday, March 3, 2013

Up a tree and now what?!

On Friday, a short time after I got Daisy off the house roof, I looked out the kitchen window to see her looking up at one of the two very large box elder trees by the patio.   Then up she went.  And up higher than she ever climbed before.  And up even higher.  It appeared she was trying to either get to some birds or to an old bird nest.

Daisy is the white in the center of the photo.  Waaayyyy up there.

She is a cat of many abilities as you can see just right of the center of the photo.

Okay... I may have cheated and turned the previous photo sideways.  But still, her branch walking was impressive.

The branch was a dead end so she turned around and went back to the main trunk.

When Daisy got down to a spot where I could reach her I climbed the ladder and retrieved her.

She was very happy to be back on the ground.

Here is a 1:39 video of her tree adventures.  Cats' claws hook backward.  Great help in climbing trees but - as you can see at the end of the video- not as helpful when trying to climb down.

An addendum to my previous post about Daisy on the house roof.  Saturday she again got up on the house roof in no time flat and then meowed at me to get her down.  Standing on the flower wall I can just reach the top of the roof on one corner.  Daisy would come close to my hands but not close enough where I could grab her.  She didn't quite trust me not to drop her.  I decided to feed the cattle and let her sit up there a little longer before getting a ladder to get her down.  When I finished feeding the cattle and turned around, there was Daisy by the barn.  I guess she knows how to get down from the house roof.

Daisy certainly keeps me on my toes.

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