Sunday, June 16, 2013

Garage sale day for Daisy

While my brother and I held the garage sale on Saturday I  let Daisy out of the house in the afternoon as she was getting lonely in the house by herself.  I also didn't put her on a leash.  She mostly behaved herself and only a few hours later got brave enough to leave the yard.

Performing Daisy's patented cat scan on the garage sale set up

Then Daisy decided to sit under the car in the shade and out of the way of the 'hub-bub', especially when a couple of families with boisterous kids came by.

Somebody's tail is showing!

Later Daisy stalked a bird drinking from the water in the street.  At least, until the bird's buddy came over and made a ruckus about Daisy alerting the other bird to the danger.  Then Daisy laid under a tree to the bird's unhappiness in the tree above her.  Daisy ignored the birds (or pretended to).

In the evening after the garage sale was over for the day I let Daisy outside.  This time on the leash.  I moved the leash's stake so Daisy could get under the car.   As I was eating supper a neighbor came over to alert me that Daisy was 'talking' and may be in trouble.   Daisy wasn't in trouble.   She was at the end of her leash next to a car tire and was complaining about either not being able to go farther or about the smell (of another cat?) on the car tire -or both.  And the mosquitoes were now out and a couple of them were on her head and face.  So I brought Daisy back inside the house.

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