Sunday, June 30, 2013

Horses, dog and a tree

The afternoon started off lazy for Daisy due to the heat.  She did a lot of laying around with her eyes open. Not tired for sleeping; too warm to do anything.

The lazy day changed in the afternoon when the couple brought a new horse (Sierra) to replace Cowgirl.  They also brought their dog, Pistol.  I thought Daisy was sleeping in the garage when she showed up all of a sudden.  She came towards the dog and none of us knew what to do.  Even the dog didn't know what to do as it just stood there.

Then Daisy walked past the dog to go to the corral where I was.  When the dog started to follow Daisy she didn't like it as you can see in the photo below where Daisy told the dog to back off.  She then ran off towards the horse trailer while the dog remained here.

Once we got the horses swapped in the corral and the owners left with Cowgirl I walked to the house.  I heard meowing which I discovered to be from up one of the huge box elder trees over the patio.  I wonder if Daisy ran up the tree to get away from the dog?

I had to get an extension ladder to get Daisy down from the tree.  She allowed me to lift her from the tree and carry her down the ladder.  Once I was on the ground Daisy jumped from me to the ground rather than let me lower her to the ground.

Here is a 13 second video of Daisy in the tree:

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