Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hunting and stretching

My brother says Daisy runs around like crazy when he gets up early to get ready for work.  So that hasn't changed from Tammy and Montana.

Late this morning she went outside for a while to run around and patrol the property.  Later I found her "playing" with something.  No, it wasn't a mouse.  A bird.

Later in the afternoon when it got warm she came inside to nap.   She had no interest in going back outside in the evening when I went to trim some tree branches.  She was acting tired and pretending to have trouble keeping her eyes open after several hours of napping.

This evening as I was typing this post I heard her banging on something.  Whenever I went to look the sound stopped.  I looked around a little but couldn't find her.  After a half dozen times I finally figured out she was in the spare bedroom and was scratching on the door and banging against it.  That door is usually closed so I have no idea how she got in that room.

Ms Innocent.

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