Wednesday, June 19, 2013

ND stretch

Daisy also stretches in North Dakota.

She had a busy evening outside patrolling the property and a little of the neighbor's property too.  She likes especially to lay under the neighbor's pickup as she has a good view from there.

Several birds (Grackles?) would make a ruckus by sitting in branches above Daisy and squawking loudly when Daisy was in the back yard or near the hedges.  The bird would come back when I left after earlier walking towards it.

Daisy had a good time patrolling.  She came when I went into the front yard and called her.   As I knelt and petted Daisy  several dogs in a house across the street when nuts barking.  They finally stopped when Daisy followed me into the house.

After Daisy came in the house and had something to eat and drink she then laid and did her stretching.

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