Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Sitting in the sunshine

Now that Fall is arriving and the temperature is below freezing in the morning, in the morning after Rascal and I get up Rascal goes and looks out the window and sits in the sunshine for a little while.

Much of this afternoon while I painted the barn Rascal initially laid on the ground near me in the corral.  I wish I had my camera with me, but I didn't.  After a bit he went into the barn and climbed up upon a large stack of hay bales and spent hours there until I was done painting and it was getting dark.  Then we went into the house together to eat our suppers.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Once again on the fence

Rascal was once again on the fence looking for mice in the hayfield.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Looking and listening for mice

First off in the morning Rascal likes to sit on the concrete patio area outside the south door and look and listen for mice in the grass.  Earlier I found two dead shrews on the sidewalk in front of the house.

I took off the window screen to get a better view of Rascal.

Yesterday in the hayfield as I walked back from checking on the pocket gopher traps Rascal came out a long way in the growing grass and alfalfa and then guided me back to the house.  He looks out for me.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Mouse in the house

I got back to leaving one door partially open early morning so Rascal can go in-and-out without me having to get up to open the door for him over and over.   But this morning I then heard Rascal running around, something he doesn't usually do.  I got up and found him 'playing' with a mouse in the hall near my woodstove.   The mouse ended up dead.  I went back to bed.

The battered box is what I use to place a few extra logs when I use my woodstove in the wintertime so the logs don't make a mess on my carpet.