Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bruised nose

The other morning Daisy showed up with a bruised nose.  How?  I don't know.

Poor Daisy.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Falling down on the job

Daisy spends so much time outside she is falling down on her job of keeping the house mouse free.   This morning when I went to the neighbor's house to gather more fallen apples, there was Daisy.

Since I found the long dead mouse a few weeks ago I have trapped four more mice.  Tonight I got another mouse - one with a light touch as I had to bait the trap twice with peanut better for I caught it.    This mouse was trapped at its lower body instead of behind the neck.  Since it has a such a light touch the first time I baited the trap, I also put peanut butter on the trigger itself.  That got the mouse.

Since the mouse was alive I carefully picked up the trap and set it outside and then called for Daisy.  After a while she came strolling over from the hayfield.  She was interested in the mouse but acted nonchalant about it.  Eventually I left her to play with it.

A short video of Daisy and the mouse.  I'm surprised she doesn't get bitten more, especially as she tries yo sniff the mouse.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Sunset cat

Daisy kept me company until dark while I worked on a fence.

The other day while Dan and I looked at the cattle while standing at this rail fence. Daisy climbed up the four rails to the top rail and then walked back and forth in front of us.  She was flirting with disaster.  If she had slipped she would have fallen into the cattle's water trough.  She didn't fall.

An owl flew by as Daisy was on this top rail.  The owl flew into the big box elder tree nearby and began screeching.  Here is a short video (more audio as it was dark outside) or the owl screeching twice.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Chilin' and grooming

Daisy likes to sleep during the day, spend the late afternoon and evening with me, and hunt at night.  If I don't work outside in the evening so she can spend time with me outside she can get a little annoyed with me.

Here we are spending time together while I look at the cattle across the fence and later when I am cutting some boards.

Daisy loves to lay in the concrete rings.

Daisy and I talk with one another (and a cow joins in).  She closes her eyes often when I have the camera out to take her photo. 12 seconds:
