Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Life of Pi tiger

Last night Tammy and I watched on DVD the movie, "Life of Pi".  It is  a good movie.  The movie had a number of animals in it including a Bengal tiger.  

Daisy was sleeping on Tammy's lap when the tiger made an appearance in the lifeboat.  Daisy woke up with a start and got excited. She watched the TV screen intently.  Tammy tried to calm Daisy by talking to her and petting her but when the tiger had a closeup looking right out of the screen Daisy took off in a flash.  I think Daisy's back feet made an impression on my thigh when she took off.

Tammy found Daisy sitting in the hallway near the bathroom.  She was crouched down and watching the TV from the furthest point she could.  Tammy brought Daisy back into the living room.  Daisy stood and watched the TV as the tiger swam in the ocean but quickly decided she wanted to be further away when the tiger attempted to get back into the lifeboat.

Daisy didn't come back until the movie was over.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Daisy is better today and back to her old self.  She meows and talks to (and back to) us.  And to the birds at the bird feeder.

Daisy claws at us when we leave and don't pet and scratch her long enough.

She went outside a few times, though not for long as it was snowing.   In the evening she was in the backyard when Tammy called for her.  She came running at full speed.  When she got to the concrete step she wiped out and slid into the house wall before quickly righting herself and dashing inside the house.  "Take it easy Daisy!"

And she looked out the window and watched the cattle, and the deer who came out at dusk.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Under the weather

Poor Daisy.  She went outside early Friday morning and caught a mouse.  She forgot what happens and ate half of it and left the rest on the front step for me to find.  Then she paid the price as she threw up three times today: morning, afternoon and evening.   The last time was just liquid as she had not eaten since throwing up the second time.

Here is Daisy laying on the floor under my computer table an hour before she drank some water and then threw up the third time.

You know someone is under the weather when they use a table leg for a pillow.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Chicken legs

Who is that stretching on the loveseat?

It's Daisy stretching out while sleeping!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Yellow toy attack

Tonight Daisy had energy to burn.  She even played with her new yellow "Cat's meow" toy.

Here is a 37 second video of Daisy playing with her toy:

Daisy has already chewed off a short piece of the red plastic. 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Yellow toy

Today our neighbor Jan gave Daisy a new toy since her cat wasn't interested in it.  Under the yellow mat a red piece of plastic moves erratically back and forth.

Initially Daisy coolly watched it from a distance.

After a while she came closer to check out the red plastic and the black piece in the center.

Then she wandered off.  Not interested.   Later, when the toy was not running, Daisy rolled around with the yellow mat trying to scratch it with her claws.

Here is a 36 second video of Daisy watching the yellow toy while another battery powered toy pesters her until she attacks it.