Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cat on the roof

When I came back to the house from working in the corral I found Daisy on the house roof.  Tammy said she had let Daisy out of the house only 10 minutes earlier.  I think she must have climbed one of the ornamental trees next to the house and then got on the house roof.  She had been in the trees and bushes in front of the house several times Friday in a futile attempt to get at the birds.

Here Tammy took a couple photos of Daisy.

Here Daisy is play acting as Godzilla.  The large willow tree look puny next to "Daisy-zilla"!

"No photos please!"  Ever the camera shy kitty!

Here is a 51 second video of Daisy on the roof:

Eventually I had to get a ladder to get Daisy off the roof.  Once I climbed the ladder she came over to me and let me carry her down to the ground.  Then it was off to her next adventure which again involved me getting the ladder.  More on that later.

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