Thursday, November 21, 2013

Life of Pi tiger

Last night Tammy and I watched on DVD the movie, "Life of Pi".  It is  a good movie.  The movie had a number of animals in it including a Bengal tiger.  

Daisy was sleeping on Tammy's lap when the tiger made an appearance in the lifeboat.  Daisy woke up with a start and got excited. She watched the TV screen intently.  Tammy tried to calm Daisy by talking to her and petting her but when the tiger had a closeup looking right out of the screen Daisy took off in a flash.  I think Daisy's back feet made an impression on my thigh when she took off.

Tammy found Daisy sitting in the hallway near the bathroom.  She was crouched down and watching the TV from the furthest point she could.  Tammy brought Daisy back into the living room.  Daisy stood and watched the TV as the tiger swam in the ocean but quickly decided she wanted to be further away when the tiger attempted to get back into the lifeboat.

Daisy didn't come back until the movie was over.

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