Saturday, April 5, 2014

Lap cat

Daisy is not a lap cat.  She prefers to lay against you.  However Tammy is in Washington state on a business trip and to visit my relatives.  Daisy is missing her.  The first evening Daisy would meow in the evening asking where Tammy was.  When I asked Daisy if she was missing Tammy Daisy would look over to the loveseat where Tammy usually sits.

Last night Daisy insisted on laying on my lap while I typed on the computer.  Usually Daisy lays on the table next to me. The last time Daisy laid on my lap was last year when Tammy was away.  This afternoon when I chatted with my brother on Skype Daisy insisted on laying on my lap again.  Even when I got up to check on the wood stove fire Daisy would get on my lap again when I sat down again.

She rarely lets me out of her sight during the day.

This morning Daisy was insistent on waking me up around 5 am.  Eventually I got up after 6 am and discovered her food dish was almost empty.  Tammy always makes sure Daisy has plenty of food.  I filled her dish with food and went back to bed.

Before Tammy left Daisy knew what was going on after I got Tammy's suitcase from the basement.  It was sitting there unopened.  Tammy walked by not wearing socks or slippers.  Daisy wrapped her paws around Tammy's feet with claws out and then bit Tammy's foot.  I think Daisy was unhappy Tammy was going to leave once again.  She did try to sneak in the suitcase once when it was open later.

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