Last night when I went outside to call for Daisy an owl was sitting up on the power pole by the garage. I heard the owl before I saw it. It had an unusual guttural call, not the typical "
screeech" or "
whoo". It made its call after I called for Daisy. I figured Daisy was hunkered down to wait the owl out. I waited a few minutes. Then in the darkness I noticed a white flash along the tool shed. It moved to the corner of the garage before making its way to the porch.
It was Daisy.
She was making moves like they do in army movies where they hug buildings and zig-zag to avoid enemy fire. It worked as Daisy got to the house without the owl coming after her.
In the middle of night / early morning when Daisy went outside again she caught a small shrew and left it on the porch.
Take that owl! Think you can poach on my turf - think again!
Tonight there is no owl. When I went outside to give the cattle their night's hay Daisy was up on the house roof watching the world and for "da mousies". Owls aren't the only animal to use height to look for mice. By the time I gave the cattle their first bale of hay here comes Daisy to the barn to help me. She doesn't jump off roofs but she sure can get down quick when she wants to.