Thursday, June 16, 2016

Salt and calves

Yesterday when I let the cattle into the middle pasture I also moved their salt blocks over there too.   Daisy accompanied me even though the grass is much taller than her and she had to push her way though it.

The calves were all excited to explore the new pasture. Daisy laid near the salt blocks.  The calves seem to be always interested in and fascinated by Daisy and here was an opportunity to get close to her.

In the next two photos this calf insisted on getting closer to Daisy.  The second photo shows Daisy's ears folded back.  I didn't get a photo of Daisy hissing at the calf and swiping her paw at him when the calf attempted to touch noses with Daisy.  The calf jumped back and then took off.

Between the tall grass and some calves wanting to run after her, Daisy had quite the time walking back to the north pasture with me.

1 comment:

BLD in MT said...

Ha! That's funny. I wonder what the cow and cat make of each other...

Ginger would love that tall grass. We keep a patch unmowed at our place, in back of the garden, so she has a little "jungle" to romp around in. She loves it.