Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Work cat

I think Daisy likes the hay field cut.  It is easier for her to hunt mice and to follow me around.  The day after I moved the hay bales to the north pasture I saw Daisy slowly stalking something near one line of bales.

Daisy likes to spend time at my neighbor Curtis's place.  He has lot of stuff in his yard for Daisy to investigate and look for mice.  Curtis has a motion detector security alarm covering part of his stuff near his building.  Apparently Daisy has visited and set off the alarm a few times at 4 am and other times during the night. Curtis said he doesn't mind.

Today it rained off-and-on, and around noon Daisy came inside the house and she was soaking wet.  First she had to do some kneading on her blanket and then she got down to washing herself and drying off her wet fur.  Then she went to sleep on my lap.

Here are some recent photos from a warm day after Daisy followed me around several pastures...

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