Monday, July 9, 2018

Daisy and cattle in the yard

Now that Blogger has a fix to their email forwarding problem... let's see if it works for Daisy's blog.

It didn't work for me.... let's try this again.  (Sorry if you got this post twice.)

Back the end of May when I had let the cattle into the yard, the calves again were fascinated by Daisy.

Even last year's heifer was very interested with Daisy.  Daisy had to take a swipe at the heifer's nose to get her to stop sniffing Daisy.

Once the cattle ate the grass down and left the yard, one afternoon Daisy insisted I sit and relax and "smell the roses" with her.

1 comment:

BLD in MT said...

I am thankful my cats demand I stop and smell the roses, too. I get so caught up in all the "things to do" and sometimes require this forcefully sweet reminder.