Sunday, December 5, 2021


Rascal doesn't go outside much these days.  A month or so ago I found lots of white fur in the backyard.  I think a neighbor cat got into a fight with Rascal.  Rascal now sometimes will go outside for a short while.  Often, as he thinks about going outside, he will smell the door.  Many times then he won't go outside. I look and often find the door had been sprayed.  Today I was outside for a little bit to take photos of the snow and Rascal wanted to come outside with me.  He stayed outside with me until I went back in the house.

Here are a few photos of him.

Usually Rascal like to nibble on grass.

Rascal doesn't wag his tail as much as Daisy did. I often knew Daisy's mood due to her tail moving.  When Rascal's tail is not moving he often has the end of the tail curved over and not completely straight.


BLD in MT said...

Yikes. Poor Rascal. I'd stay closer to home, too, if that was the case. I'm surprised you don't have more snow!

I hope you're well. Have a nice day.

Tall Pines said...

Our snow is a few inches less than the normal amount. But that's ok with me. I've lived through years of lots of snow so I think I've had my fill of snow experiences.

Today I noticed cat prints in the snow on the driveway to my house, then out to the barn, then out to the hayshed. Those were not Rascal's prints.

Rascal is doing fine. My cattle are doing fine. I'm doing fine. I rode my bicycle some miles today.

BLD in MT said...

Glad to hear it. And I feel ya on the snow, growing up I lived on the ND border and we had long, hard, windy winters. I've gotten quite used to the relatively balmy south-central MT winters. I love the change in seasons, but I don't need *that* much change to appreciate it. :)