Saturday, September 21, 2013


This afternoon the black and white cat came back.  This is the cat I suspected of being a "daddy".  I guess not as Daisy doesn't seem to be pregnant.  Why she developed six nipples - I don't know.

Daisy didn't take kindly to this cat being here.  Was it because he didn't call after his last visit?

Here Daisy came from the patio when she saw the black and white cat.  That cat is in the open door.  Daisy had a "who are you? What's going on here?" kind of walk.

Then Daisy ran to the cat and it retreated into my treasure pile area.  Daisy followed and Tammy and I heard a fight and growling.   I walked over and found Daisy up and over the other cat who was crouched down and growling.  The other cat ran and headed to the back yard with Daisy in hot pursuit.

A few minutes later the other cat came back and ran around the tool shed and behind the garage and then gone.  Daisy came trotting out a few seconds later.

Daisy looking to see where the other cat went.  As you can see Daisy is still worked up.

Later Daisy keeps a lookout for the other cat.

No matter if the other cat is a male or female, Daisy made it clear it wasn't welcome around here.

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