Monday, October 13, 2014

Fence check and river

After returning from my Washington trip, and before letting the cattle into the pasture, I double checked the fences to make sure they were alright.  Since Daisy was still in 'keep me in sight at all times' mode she came with me.  This is the farthest she has been from the house.  She does not like being carried so she walked the whole distance, even through the taller grass close to the river.

We had to take two rest stops for Daisy as the warm weather and distance was tuckering her out.  She first rested in the irrigation shed while I went to let the cattle into the pasture.  Later she rested along the river.

She is still trying to figure the river out.  She did eventually drink some of the river water.  Mostly she laid on some rocks and watched the water and stuff float by.  She even watched a few small minnows swimming near the rocks.
What is this Daisy?

After we got home she laid on the blanket next to me as I snacked.  She was so tired she didn't move when I got up off the couch.

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