Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cabin fever

Daisy is getting cabin fever.  At times she takes her crankiness out on me.  A few times she has attacked my arm.  Not enough to draw blood, but to let me know how sharp her claws and teeth are.

Yesterday I understood why.  I was trying to remove an dried eye booger she had, and while she is usually patient with me when I do so, yesterday she was not.  I quit when she was getting annoyed.  I was sitting on the floor and as she started to walk away she turned, reared up on her back legs and jumped against my shoulder grabbing it with her front paws and claws and then bit my sweater. Then immediately she quit having made her point.  I was wearing a sweater, so while I felt the sharp claws the skin was not broken.

This morning she was restless.  After being petted for a little bit I saw she was still annoyed and then she gave me a little swipe.  So outside she went.

Being outside an hour did her good.  I later found a big mouse on the doorstep.  Since then she has been mellow.

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