Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Somersault on apples

Daisy likes to do somersaults at my feet.  Here she somersaulted onto of a bag of apples.

I think Daisy was looking for mice at the neighbor's place.  She came home with orange on her legs and belly.  It took a few days for her to wash it off.  (The photo didn't capture the full effect of the orange color).


BLD in MT said...

Ginger somersaults at our feet, too, when we're near a good patch of dirt most often. Its a somersault right into a full on dirt bath. What stained Daisy's fur orange?

Tall Pines said...

The neighbor has piles of lumber and metal. Daisy likes to check the piles of stuff for mice. I think she rubbed against some of the rusty metal odds and ends.