Monday, January 4, 2016

Very bored kitty

Daisy is very bored.  It is too cold and snowy for her to spend much time outside.  When not sleeeping she lays and stares off into space.  When I go outside she often jumps up and watches me out the window.

Tonight while I was on the computer she came and meowed at me until I followed her over to the wood stove.  I had to lay down on the floor near her.    She stretched out and her tail was hitting the floor pretty hard. She wasn't in the mood to be petted.  She just wanted company.  She pushed up the rug.  A couple times I quickly reached over and touched one of her paws.  She is fast and almost got me with her paw and claws.  After I stopped she moved over and pressed her face against my shoulder and briefly gave a nip on my shirt before she moved back to where she was laying.  Wap! Wap! Wap! went her tail as she looked at me.

After a while I was able to get up and return to my computer.  She is now stretched out and laying on the computer table, bored.

Daisy's had her eyes open and was staring off into space until she saw me with the camera.  Then she closed her eyes.

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