Monday, February 29, 2016

First mouse of 2016

This morning when I opened the door at 7 am to let Daisy back in the house I found a dead mouse on the front step.  Daisy had been working.   I decided I would remove the mouse when I got up for real later in the morning.

After eating Daisy wanted to go back outside.  She ran past the mouse without looking at it.  Hours later when I got up for real I discovered the mouse was gone from the front step.  I never did find the mouse.  I doubt it was Daisy who moved the mouse.  She leaves the mouse when she is done playing with it.  I think another animal, probably a magpie, took the mouse.

This is the first mouse I found this year.  But it may not have been the first mouse Daisy caught and killed this year.


BLD in MT said...

Ginger just got her first mouse of the year (at least that we've seen). She killed it promptly instead of playing with it as she usually does. Well, she still played with it, but only after the fact. Maybe she was overzealous in her first attempt of the season...

Tall Pines said...

Ya, there is a certain finesse needed when one has razor sharp claws. And over Winter Ginger may have gotten out of practice. Or she was just too excited in catching a mouse after so long.