Thursday, February 11, 2016

Net wrap

The net wrap from the last large hay bale was like catnip to Daisy today.  She rubbed on it and rolled around in it and laid and slept on it.

Another sleepy day for me.  I slept until 11 am.  Then around 12:30 pm I feel asleep again until 3:15 pm.  I then awoke from a dream about waking up from a dream.  Dream within a dream was odd.  I don't remember it now, but at the time I woke up I could remember what the inner dream was about.

I am now up to four hours between pain pills.  When the pills are wearing off I don't feel sharp pain.  Instead it feels like ever increasing pressure on my broken bone.  Last night I went outside to check on the cattle's water trough before going to bed.  It was chilly and I wasn't wearing a coat.  The cold affected my shoulder and greatly increased the pressure on my broken bone.


BLD in MT said...

I hope you get to feeling better!

Tall Pines said...

Thanks. I am feeling better every day. Only taking a few pains pills during the day. No pills at night as I have no pain or pressure at the plate and bone site at night. The pills made me sleep more and dream more. Not just several dream within a dream collection of dreams, but more dreams that I remember, which indicates not as restful sleeping - until I quit the pills at night.