Tuesday, February 16, 2021


The good news is that Daisy appears to be stabilizing.

This morning it was mostly the same type of decent morning news.  Daisy's temperature was now down to normal. His urine is not as yellow.  His skin color was less yellow.  He still was not eating.

This evening's call was after they did his blood test.  His bilirubin count had dropped a little, which is good.  I don't remember the number but is was a little under 7 now.  Several days ago it was around 4, which is still higher than normal.  So we have a ways to go for improvement.  His red blood cell count was 19, down from the 21 it was yesterday.  But a far less drop that had been occurring daily.  I can't remember if the vet said his original count was 49 or 41 on Saturday. But Sunday it was 29 and on Monday it was 21.  So, Dr. Dean, the vet thinks her red blood cell count may be stabilizing.  Daisy will keep getting the IV and steroids and tomorrow we'll see what the count is.  I hope it will be at least the same or hopefully higher.

Certainly better news than I was fearing.  It's been a rough day for me.

1 comment:

BLD in MT said...

Go, Daisy. Go! And many kind thoughts for you, Mr. Tall Pines, as you wait and see and hope. It's so hard. I'm glad the news was somewhat encouraging. May the trend continue!