Saturday, May 11, 2013

Watching and dodging

Friday night Daisy braved being out in the open pasture and kept me company as I worked on a fence.

Later seven deer came into the pasture from the north.

Then the deer headed over to the middle pasture.

Here is a 17 second video of the deer.

After the deer left Daisy wandered about and eventually back to the corral.  As I looked over to see Daisy starting to walk from the corral over to the hay shed a huge owl came from behind me and glided to this tree.  As the owl came flying in Daisy took off and ran for the stuff next to the hay shed and hid.  The owl then glided up to the large branch sticking out a little more than halfway up on the right side of the tree.

The owl hung around a while waiting and watching.  Then suddenly when I glanced away it was gone.  They are so quiet when they fly!  I looked and looked and went over to the corral but I didn't see the owl or Daisy.  Then I seen the owl glide up to near the top of one of the large box elder trees by the house.  The owl was alone.  Whew!  Daisy was safe.

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