Monday, June 16, 2014

Missed mice

Last week I opened the hole in the floor and went in the house's crawl space to open the vents for the Summer.  Daisy of course was very interested in the crawl space.  You'd think she would have trouble getting in and out of the crawl space - but no, no problem for her.

She brought up the first mouse when I was eating lunch.  She had it in her mouth and dropped it on the dining room floor to play with it.  Ummm... there are lots of things to in the house for the mouse to hide under.  The mouse got under the furnace.  I tried to help Daisy but we both lost the mouse.

An hour later she came back with another mouse - or the same one.  She started to play with it in another part of the dining room.  I ran and opened the house door and told Daisy to take her mouse outside to play with.  Before the mouse could get under the refrigerator Daisy grabbed it and with a run jumped into the hole in the floor down to the crawl space.  I never saw the mouse again.

But... very early the next morning I heard a mouse scratching.  The noise woke me up.  Daisy was sleeping on the back of the couch.  I got her and placed her where I heard the sound in the bathroom wall.  Daisy settled down on the floor to listen and wait.   She never got the mouse.

A few days later - at 3 am - Tammy heard the mouse scratching.  That afternoon she heard it again around the bedroom / bathroom wall.  Or maybe in the floor.

Late that afternoon, while Tammy was sitting on the loveseat, Daisy came walking with a mouse her mouth.  Before we could react she dropped it and began to chase it.  I leapt into action and ran to the house door.  But the mouse was fast and Daisy was chasing it all over the house.  Long story short - we lost the mouse again.

I gave Daisy a good talking to about playing with mice in the house.

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