Saturday, June 28, 2014

At a far corner fence

Daisy followed me all the way out to where I was working on the corner hayfield fence.  Usually she doesn't venture far from the house or outbuildings.  But there was a path through the tall grass where I had driven the pickup several times over the past few days, and without Tammy around Daisy has been spending even more time with me.

I didn't expect Daisy to follow me so I didn't bring my camera along.  I missed taking lots of awesome photos of her (and of another bright yellow glowing sunset).

In the beginning Daisy stayed very close to me.  Whenever I knelt down she tried to stand or sit on my front legs, or would stand on my ankles.  Eventually she did a little exploring.  Then she climbed up on top of a railroad tie, or would sit on the top board acting as a brace between two railroad ties.

Later she sat quietly among the trees across the fence on the neighbor's property.  She sat for the longest time.  I was happy she wasn't meowing that she wanted to go home.  Then when I was almost ready to go home she came trotting back over by me with a huge squealing mouse in her mouth.  She hopped the fence to the shorter grass in the south pasture.  Unfortunately Daisy dropped the mouse to play with too close to the tall grass in the hayfield.  The mouse ran to the tall grass.  Two times Daisy caught and took it back to the pasture.  The third time the mouse slipped away in the tall grass.  Daisy looked and looked for it and then sat and listened. At one point Daisy stood way up on her hind legs to get a better view through the tall grass. The mosquitoes had come out in full force by then so we headed home.  I'm not done with this fence so maybe Daisy will come with me tomorrow and look for more mice.

As we walked home in the vehicle tracks it began to rain.  We both got wet by the time we got home.  She is now zonked out on the back of the couch after such a busy day.

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