Saturday, April 30, 2016

Shots and trench work

Today I took Daisy to the annual animal clinic to get shots for her.  She got another 3-way shot for diphtheria, etc.  I also got a rabies shot for her.  Combined with the rabies shot from last year Daisy is now protected for 3 years.

The clinic was from 11 am to 3 pm.  I got there just after noon.  The line of people and their pets went all the way across the parking to the road.  Vehicles lined the side of the road as the small parking lot was full.  While I waited in line a skinny tattooed neighbor woman came over to the clinic to complain about all the cars parked along the side of the road.

I went at the worse possible time as the line was the longest when I first arrived. Daisy and I didn't get out of the clinic until almost 2 pm.  A long wait.

At the beginning Daisy growled / moaned as she didn't want to be there.  But soon she settled down and watched the commotion from the safety and shade of her pet carrier.   There were many more dogs than cats at the clinic. Daisy was well behaved when it came time to get her shots. 

When we got home Daisy went down to her quiet place in the basement to sleep and recuperate.

Daisy has forgiven me for taking her to the animal clinic.  Now that she is done with her patrol for the evening, and has put the cattle to bed, she is now laying on my lap.

The previous evening Daisy accompanied me as I dug and put a couple of railroad ties in the ground for my upcoming electrical work.  Because I drove out with the railroad ties I had Daisy ride with me in the pickup.  She is not fond of riding in vehicles and she wanted to sit on my lap as I drove.

I had to hand dig a 40 inch deep trench over to the power pole and Daisy had to inspect my work shortly after I started.  She also checked my work when I was done but I wasn't fast enough to get a photo of her down deep in the trench. She was able to quickly jump up out of the deep hole.

1 comment:

BLD in MT said...

Well good. Now she is well protected and has a reprieve for a couple of years! Ginger quite dislikes anything to do with her carrier as it portends car trips and/or the vet--though she behaves well, just looks pitiful and scared which I hate. She would TOTALLY have to check out any holes we make though--and roll in the dirt pile for good measure. They're curious like that, aren't they? Any new box, bag, hole, or cupboard must be explored thoroughly!