Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Head swivel

Daisy didn't come inside the house Sunday night when I called before going to bed at 1 am.  It was breezy so she *may* not have heard me, else she was in pursuit of a mouse.  Daisy was outside the door to come inside the house when I got up to use the bathroom at 3 am.   Tonight she came in the house after 11 pm and is content staying inside.  She learns.

You would think coming in the house at 3 am Daisy would sleep late, or let me sleep late.  She kind of did: she  woke me up at 4:45 am instead of her usual 4 am time.

Late this afternoon she laid on the front step, but then had to look back to see what I was up to by the front door.  She competes with the owls at night for mice.  Looks like Daisy learned the head swivel trick from the owls.

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