Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Night moves

The middle of last night I was woken up by Daisy making a commotion in the bedroom.  She was running around the bedroom's floor banging on stuff.  I thought she was playing with one of her toys.  Since she is not going outside sometimes she gets crazy playing with her toys to burn off energy.  I quickly fell back asleep.

In the morning I found a dead mouse by the wood stove.  That makes 71 for thee year (that I know of).

Good job Daisy!

I hope it is the mouse I heard in the ceiling a few nights ago when it first got cold and Daisy would still go outside early in the morning.

The cold weather continues.  Daisy doesn't even ask to go outside at 6 am anymore.  Being inside so much is making her cranky at times.   This morning when I went to pet her head she grabbed my hand with both her paws and clomped her mouth around my palm by my thumb.  She didn't break my skin with her teeth or claws but I definitely felt her teeth and claws.  She knew just how much pressure to apply to get her point across.

After taking a nap this afternoon she was in a better mood.  She came and laid by me near the wood stove and put her paw on my leg and head head against my thigh.  No claws this time.

This evening as we sat by the wood stove, when I was warming up after being outside and splitting wood, Daisy was moaning and complaining about the weather and being inside the house so much.  After as while she decided to go outside.  Not for too long as it is still cold.  But it perked her up as she ran around and around the house to various windows and for the fun of it after she came inside.  She's calmed down now.

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