Friday, November 7, 2014

Stump sitting near the irrigation shed

A Winter storm is forecast to come on Sunday and I am trying to get a few projects done, or else to a state ready for the snow and wind.  The fixing of the irrigation shed roof is one of those 'get ready' projects as I won't be done with it by Sunday. 

Friday I spent the afternoon putting a new roof on the shed.  I had to haul material in the pickup to the shed.  Daisy was running around in the morning wanting to be with me.  So I picked her up and put her in the pickup to drive to the river.  She wasn't keen on the idea as she doesn't care to ride in vehicles.  Once at the river she was happy and began exploring while I worked on the shed.  At one point she wanted up on the roof to be with me so I lifted her up there.

Later she sat on a tree stump and watched for mice.   I saw her go after something in the tall grass but never saw her with a mouse.

It was along afternoon and she laid in the irrigation shed for a while - until I dropped a board through the open hole in the roof.  Sorry Daisy!  Then she laid under the pickup.

When it was time to go home I had to coax her out from under the pickup.  Finally she came out and I was able to pick her up and put her in the pickup for the drive home.  She stood and watched out the window as I drove and was very happy to be home and out of the pickup.  And she was hungry.  I got an earful as we walked to the house.

She is one tired cat and is currently curled up and sleeping hard on my bed.   I hope it won't be like last night where she hogged the bed and didn't give me much room to lay.

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