Monday, April 6, 2015

Hurt leg

When it rains, it pours.   First me, then now Daisy is hurt.  Late this afternoon I discovered her limping.  All day she had laid in my computer chair, and based on the crappy weather I thought she was taking the day as a 'lazy day', which she does every so often.  Early afternoon I had done some computer work and sat right next to her and nothing seemed amiss.

Then just before 5 pm, as I was adding wood to the wood stove, she hopped off the chair and came over to me like she often does when I fiddle with the wood stove.  I saw her limping.  Limping so bad she didn't want to use that back left leg.  She was hopping on three legs.

While I called Donna to ask which vet she uses, Daisy limped out to her litter box.  When she came back she tried to go around the cupboards but couldn't hop over a small obstacle.  I lifted her over it and set her by her food and water dishes.  She limped off to lay in the corner by the TV.  When I came over to see her, she limped back to the computer chair, and before I could help her up she jumped up on it and laid down.

Donna came over with a cat carrier.  She attempted to look at her bad leg and I wasn't able to hold Daisy well and she drew blood on Donna.

Donna's vet could see Daisy right away at 7:30 am and I decided since Daisy didn't seem to be in distress as long as she doesn't have to walk, I would wait till morning and not take her to another vet that is open after hours for emergencies.

Daisy has laid in the chair all evening.  Sometimes on one side, then the other side and sometimes on her back.  She purrs when I scratch her neck and face and rub her head.

I have no idea how this happened.  She came in before midnight last night and spent an hour on my lap while we watched TV.  Then she wandered off.  I heard her one time during the night when scratched on the bed but then she didn't want to go outside.  I was tired from my eye injury and slept soundly the rest of the night.

So she hasn't been outside where she could injure her leg.  And I don't see anything in the house fallen or could have injured her leg.  So this is a mystery.   Bob and Jan had a puppy a few years ago that once it grew up developed a tumor in its leg and eventually had to be put to sleep.  The dog wasn't even two years old.  I hope Daisy doesn't have a tumor.

I'll find out what is wrong once I take her to the vet tomorrow.

As I type this right now Daisy is sleeping soundly in the chair next to me.   My poor kitty.

The first three photos were taken early this afternoon before I realized she had a bad leg.  I thought her sour look was because she didn't like her photo taken and was afraid the camera's flash would go off.

After she had limped around the house.

Such a cute kitty, even with a sore leg!

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