Monday, January 14, 2013

Daisy and the birds

The birds don't get much feeding done in the morning as Daisy is right there watching them.  A little too close for comfort for the birds even though the window is between them.

Daisy's tail twitches like mad when she watches the bird.  She also makes lip smacking sounds to Tammy's amusement.

One little bird got confused when it flew from the feeder and bonked into the window and Daisy in a flash tried to get the bird.  The glass saved it to Daisy's disappointment.

After a few days the birds realized Daisy can't get through the window.  If Daisy just sits there the birds will come to the feeder.  If Daisy stands up they leave.

Here is a 2:17 video of Daisy and the birds.  You can see in the second half of the video where the birds got braver.

I had trouble putting this post together tonight as Daisy commandeered my computer chair and I only had the first little bit of the chair to sit on.  Daisy wouldn't leave the chair.

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