Thursday, January 10, 2013


I think we are going to name our new cat: Daisy.   Last night Tammy was calling the cat "Lazy Daisy" as she was mostly laying around and sleeping.

Daisy behaved well last night until we went to bed.  At first she laid on the bed with Tammy and played "gotcha!" with her feet.  Once I crawled into bed Daisy decided the bed wasn't big enough for the three of us and left.

She is smart and knows what doors are even if she never seen one opened.  She then got it in her head that she wanted the bedroom closet door open and scratched and scratched on it until I got up and told her to knock it off.

From the sounds she made it seems as if she roamed the house a good portion of the night.  Since she is sleeping now I have a feeling tonight will be a repeat of night activity.

Today whenever she hears a door open or close she is there.  She is always waiting outside the bathroom door when Tammy uses the bathroom.   I let her into the bedroom closet for a short time today in hopes of satisfying her curiosity.  I have my doubts as with the bedroom door closed during the day she often checks on it and sometimes scratches at it to open it.

She also apparently likes dirt.  Today this was her favorite place for a while.

She is a big cat and often lays stretched out.  She doesn't seem to favor warm areas and sometimes lays on the cool bathroom tile floor.

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