Sunday, January 20, 2013

One tired cat

Daisy had a busy day today.  In the morning and early afternoon, after patrolling the house, she played with Tammy's slipper and some yarn.

Here is a 2:11  video of Daisy, Tammy, slippers and yarn.

Tammy uses her slipper because when she uses her hand Daisy has drawn blood.

In the morning she went outside when I went to feed the cattle.  But it was cold and she sat on the carpet by the door and came back in the house when I did.

Then in the afternoon she went out to explore while Tammy went to JoAnn's fabric store to get material for making a quilt. The sun was out and it was warmer with a temperature in the mid 20s F.  She was outside the hour or more while Tammy was gone.  She was checking out stuff in front of the garage when Tammy returned and she bolted out of the garage to the house door before Tammy could drive into the garage.

Even though I had the vacuum cleaner running by the door she came in the house though was was very wary of the vacuum cleaner.  As soon as she could she went to her 'safe place' - which is my computer chair.

She was busy exploring while outside as she came in the house dirty around her face and neck and her feet.

This evening she is "dog tired".  Instead of sprawling out on my computer chair as she usually does, she has been in her box for several hours now.  She is snoring up a storm now.

After the first few nights here passed she has been on a schedule similar to ours: she mainly sleeps at night.  Tonight I have a feeling that since she went to bed early and is sleeping so hard, she'll be up during the night.

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