Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Daisy and the mouse

Tuesday Daisy got a mouse.  I returned from a bicycle ride to find the mouse remains on the kitchen floor.   I'm not sure if she actually caught the mouse.  In another part of the kitchen I found the mouse trap sprung.  The trap is 99% effective in catching mice.  So Daisy may have benefited from the mouse trap.

Or maybe not.

Later in the evening as Daisy was sleeping on my computer chair she got up and then down onto the floor.  Then she threw up twice just before I could get paper under her.  I should have grabbed her and moved her to the linoleum floor.

She threw up a lot.  A lot more than my previous cat did when she coughed up a hairball.

Yup.  The mouse was part of what she upchucked.

Then an hour later she threw up one more time.  Who would have thought she had more to toss!  At least this time she threw up on the kitchen floor.

So Daisy felt under the weather the rest of Tuesday evening.  She laid quite a long time near the wood stove, something she never does as she likes it cool.

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