Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Daisy and Tammy's slipper

More fun with Daisy.

Monday Daisy wanted to pout in her new favorite place: behind the bathroom door.  She was bummed that I wouldn't let her go outside after dark.  Never mind that she was outside most of the afternoon.

Even when I took a shower she stayed here.

Daisy is a smart cat and knows to close her eyes when I take her photo at night when the camera's flash goes off.

In the afternoon Daisy climbed the tree to reach the birds at the bird feeder.  That didn't work out for her as the birds flew away.

Tuesday I found another mouse 'present' by the door from Daisy.  Daisy is a good hunter as she gets mice hiding under the snow.

Now that I packed up and moved her box Daisy is using Tammy's plastic container to lay on with occasional attacks on Tammy's slipper.

Here is a 1:08 video of Daisy and Tammy's slipper with Daisy "High Fiveing" Tammy at the end.

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